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Panic causes trouble

Printed From: Avian Flu Talk
Category: Pandemic Prepping Forums
Forum Name: General Prepping Tips
Forum Description: (Home and family preparedness)
Printed Date: May 01 2024 at 2:57pm

Topic: Panic causes trouble
Posted By: sunshinekey1
Subject: Panic causes trouble
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 7:42am
I need to mention that this topic of the bird flu is causing panic in my family.  My husband has been told about what to do and how to prepare and he has spent over $1,000 in food, gun, and others.  I think there is no need to panic and overload your home with food and unnecessary items yet.  This is causing a financial problem and I think there is no need to overflow your home with food that may go bad in a couple of months.  Please stop panicking other people about this issue.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 7:55am
He shouldn't be buying food that goes bad in "a couple of months" for long time storage.  It sounds like he needs better advice.  There is nothing wrong, however, in preparing in earnest.  You will thank your husband if BF hits.

Posted By: jackson
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 7:59am
Many foods can be stored for years. It is important to have an adequate supply of food and water becuase you never know when you might need it (hurricanes, earthquakes, bird flu, etc....)

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 8:08am
Yes, he needs better advice , he is being getting it from here.  He is being buying canned food to expire in about 1 year.  I not against not being prepared I contributed to buying "some" food to put aside but not the point where he spent $700 in one day for food and shot gun for $300 and now we are overdrawn until next week.   We need gas money to go to work.  Using credit cards because of his overspending in food is trouble for us.

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 8:10am
That I understand, we went through 8 hurricanes last year and the year before.  My point is why overspend now, this can be done slowly (storing food).  Not to the point to spend $1000 in one week including gun and amunitions.  It is good to be prepared but not the point where is causing arguing and fighting about over spending.

Posted By: P_S_N
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 9:13am
I totally understand your frustration. My family of 5 is currently living off of one income and an unemployment check. To say money is tight is an understatement.
The food you purchased will not go to waste, after all you can eat some of it now if you have to. Spending money on preps to the point one is overdrawn is not good for anyone. Is there something that can be returned so that you can have enough cash for gas?
Let this be a lesson learned for both of you (sadly the hard way) that you can turn into a positive. Why not set down and go over what preps you have made together so you know where you are with prepping. You could then make a plan for any future prepping so that neither of you spends money for preps unless you are following the plan and have the cash available to make those purchases. That way you will not purchase things you do not need or become overdrawn because of prepping.
Personally I have a list of specific items to purchase and I know which of several stores has the best buy on those items. I will only buy those items that best meet my needs for the best price when the cash is available. If I find an item on sale I compare it with my list, if it is a better price then I make that purchase only if the funds are available because a sale is not a sale if it leaves me overdrawn and wanting for gas money.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 9:13am
I agree he has gone overboard. I think this is an unfortunate side-affect of when people start to "get it" just how bad this thing has the potential to become. But we need to remember, at this point it is still just a possibility, with a ton of unknowns. Luckily, for most, it seems to be a temporary thing, then he'll settle down and prep in more measured and affordable doses. Keep your eyes on developments, especially China and Azerbajian, they seem to be hot spots.

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 9:23am
Thank you, that is what I want to hear.  He knows we need to sit down and talk.  I live in Florida and used to live in mobile home.  I know what it is to evacuate 2 or 3 times a year with birds, cats and a dog.  I was always prepared for canned food, candles, batteries and extras, but never got ridiculous.  Thank you for understanding my point.  I will show him all the replys.

Posted By: jackson
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 9:29am
I think your husband has the right intentions but may have gone about it in the wrong way. It is never a good idea to spend more money than you reasonably afford , which then creates financial problems for your family.  My advice is to look at how much you can afford to spend on preps each week or month, and then set a "budget" and look for items on sale. If you buy a little bit at a time, you will be surprised how quickly it adds up.

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 9:30am
We have about 50 1 gallon water, and two of the big ones plus he wanted to buy the 30 gallon garbage cans to store more water.  this is too soon.  Cases of canned food and dry soup that you mix with water.  and much more.  toilet paper by the tons.  Enough for 4 bad hurricanes.  I know we all have to think about this pandemic may come but I think we need to wait until scientists and researchers (my daughter is one) find something alarming.. My daughter is in the medical business and I know she will let me know immediaately if there is a reason TO PANIC!

Posted By: JaxMax
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 9:34am
Most money problems in a marriage are usually communication problems.
Realize that even  if this website never existed, the strong recommendation  to prepare is coming from a Cabinet Official in the Admisnistration- Michael Leavitt.
 This website simply helps you prepare more effectively and efficently.   

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.Proverbs 13:20, The Bible

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 9:38am

Yes, I agree.  Look at the article of the Girl in Cambodia, I am aware of what is going on.   But people no one has died here in the The United States of America of the bird flu.  Let's prepare NOT PANIC

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 9:40am
Thank you, you are absolutely right.  We will talk, this will not happen again.  I am doing this so that this does not happen to somebody else.  DO NOT PANIC, just plan intelligently.

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 9:41am

Posted By: Penham
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 1:01pm
Sunshinekey1, waiting until there is something to panic about is not what we want to do. We are trying to prepare ahead of time, before the panic, once "there is reason to panic" everyone else is also going to panic and you won't be able to get the supplies you need. You live in FLA, have you ever tried to buy supplies before a hurricane when everyone else is trying to get supplies? There is nothing in the stores. Having lived on the coast half my life, I have no desire to not be able to get the things my family will need, therefore I am preparing ahead of time. This pandemic, when it happens, will last a whole lot longer than a hurricane and the aftermath, so you will need alot more than what you would need getting ready for a hurricane IMO. You said your husband has bought 50-1 gallons bottles of water, for 2 people (not sure if there are more in your family) that is only a 25 day supply of water, less of a supply if you have more people. I am sorry you are overdrawn and have no gas money, hopefully you all will be able to sit down and do a budget with your husband and get back on track.

Posted By: Proudest Monkey
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 1:01pm

Sunshinekey1 wrote, "DO NOT PANIC". I agree; panic causes people to make irrational decisions. Buying things a little bit at a time makes better sense. Personally, I would go "freaking crazy" if I rushed out all at once to buy supplies. Instead, I buy a few things here and there, and that gives me time to decide whether the items are really essential or just an impulse buy. Don't get me wrong; I have done my share of impulse buying so I have learned my lesson the hard way. In addition, discussing this issue with your husband might be very helpful as well.

Posted By: TNbebo408
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 4:06pm
Sunshinekey, I agree to not panic, just use what you can afford to stock things, and I personally don't stock things that ruin in months.

Please read my signature line.

Don't blow your kids lunch money for things they may never need.

Posted By: tazman
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 4:47pm
Please read the book: Crisis preparedness handbook by Jack A Spigarelli. Best book on Crisis preparednes. you can check this out on the link below.

Email me your favorite links: - My Email

Posted By: janetn
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 4:51pm
Sunshine rotate your food stock -then it does not expire. Just repalce things as you go - then nothing is wasted and nothing runs out.
the experts have sounded the alarm to begin preparing Waiting untill news of sustained human to human transmission is going to be too late.
I understand your financial concerns few of us on the board are wealthy, were in the same boat as you. One of the untold benefits of prepping is that your grocery bill will go down not up - your more careful with your funds and eventually you only have to buy when something is discounted . For me it cut my monthly bill by 25% so preparing is really financially sound.
Only buy what you eat regularlly - just in larger amounts.
Have you considered a garage sale to cover the cost of ssome of the things your husband bought? What about working overtime or picking up a part time job for one of you for a short time you would be surprised what a difference that would make in your over all financial picture.
Either way you and your hubby need to come to a meeting of the minds and work together. Your lucky that you have a husband that is spending money on proctecting his family instead of on something that benefits him. He sounds like a great guy wish there were more men out there that cared that much about there familiesCry

Posted By: JaxMax
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 5:19pm
You have raised an issue that will effect everyone of us- the economics of any flu pandemic.
Just as you have to go to work, sooner or later we will have to go back to our businesses and jobs after a pandemic. And the pandemic could last a long time, wave after wave. We can not, or will not, hunker in the bunker forever.
One very effective thing to do is to only eat the flu food and save money. I can assure you he will want to eat fresh food before a week is out and you can save the money. This site stresses eat what you buy and buy what you eat.
Money comes and money goes.How you and your husband resolve this is the most important issue.You two need to work together.
You can tell your husband that I do not buy any prep items unless I talk it over with my wife FIRST, before I buy,and cost is not really an issue. Communication is the issue.
If either of you were injured, and had to pay the $1,000 in medical expenses, you would sacrifice and do so. You can overcome this if you work together.
Please let us know how this works out.

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.Proverbs 13:20, The Bible

Posted By: Thordawggy
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 5:56pm
Sunshine - I admire your courage to come here and express your concerns and being courteous about it too!   Thank you.
My husband isn't on board with prepping but I have been doing it for years for any eventuality that may occur.  He knows that it makes me secure in an unsecure world so he has no complaints.  And, he really likes it when we don't run out of stuff that he likes.  LOL   

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 6:06pm
I can understand your fustration with your husband and I hope you show him all the replies.  LOL  We live pay check to pay check.  I understand your husband need to prepare, and your need to pay the bills.
I had to prepare without my husband and if you think your fustrated now.  Try preparing without the support of your spouse.  I want your husband.  My husband is fighting me all the way. 
We have two kids,  everything in me says get prepared a.s.a.p.  I know your daughter would warn you but, what makes you think that she would be the first to get this vital information.  Remember there are thousands of us looking for this mutation.  The best scientist all over the world are telling us to prepare now. 
 To get the money I needed  I took some money from our tax refund.  I had a garage sale, and what didnt sell in the garage sale was someone else treasure on ebay...I made $212.00 so far on ebay.  We also canceled our spring break camping trip. 
Your husband means well...Tongue but he really needs to look for the buy 10 jars for $10.00 sales and only buy what you would normally eat in the event God has mercey on us.  

Posted By: KOMET163
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 6:28am
Sounds like the wife doesn't want her hubby to spend the money oon preps period. I had a little trouble selling my girlfriend on this preps stuff , but she came around when I started to prep her apartment with stuff.  frankly, I think that this is a effort to suppress those who want to prep for the flu.  Look, people who are too dammed short sighted to see the facts need not bother us.  We are going to prep and prep again. We must prepare for whatever happens.  We really have no real options. Prep or  die, Prep or die..... Who wants to die ????? , then prep

Posted By: AVanarts
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 6:55am

KOMET163, the way I read her post was that she is largely concerned that he is spending way beyond their budget.  She has a good point, in that one shouldn't spend oneself into debt to prep.  Being in good financial shape is an important prep too.

This is really a pretty good example as to why people should be constantly "preping" by picking up a little at a time and building a large stash that way instead of waiting until their is a threat in view and trying to get things at the last minute.

Posted By: oknut
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 6:58am
Sunshine - Many of us don't really have extra money for prepping, but manage to do it one way or another.

Like your hubby, some may be spending money they need for other expenses and some may be using credit to acquire what will make them feel more secure.

Sounds like you need a heart to heart on the subject so that you can find a middle ground you can both live with.

I completely understand both sides and often experience a sense of urgency myself to finish getting the items that may make a big difference in the times ahead.
We still haven't purchased firearms or ammunition and I'd like to get a few other things to reach a point where I feel more secure.

By and large, prescription drugs, supplements and herbal rememdies have been the most expensive part of our preps so far.

As for the food items, they will not go to waste. If stored properly, they can be used over time even if the pandemic is somehow avoided.

This wonderful forum and the serious threat have taught me that I will never again have only a few days worth of food in our home. We will be prepared for "whatever" going forward, pandemic or not.

Many of us have afforded the extra food each trip by purchasing more frugal groceries for regular meals now. Just skipping some of the expensive or non-essential purchases can pay for a lot of canned fish, pasta, rice and beans. Swapping a steak meal for a less expensive one will allow you to buy extra toilet paper and peanut butter. Small changes really do add up.

None of us really know how much time we have left to prepare and stock up. The spending your husband has been doing could make a difference in whether or not you survive and certainly what level of comfort you would experience if "socially distanced" for a significant period of time.

Be kind to each other and work it out. You'll catch up on the money or we'll all be overextended and without income.

Posted By: KOMET163
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 7:11am
the simple fact is that we don't know what is going on here. She may be having some problems with money, however airing it here will just cause  more problems for those who want to convince their spouses to prep. I spent 20 dollars here, 20 dollars there too, until I realized that i was wasting my time and money and gas, running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I now collect the cash in 100 dollar intervals and then drive to a sams or a costo cr a dollar tree and buy all of the stuff that I can buy. Buying in bulk is a strategic choice. Buying in bulk is a money saving, life saving device thatg will pay off in the long run.  If it causes somebody some issues with control, so be it... I still think that this could have been handled in such a way that the AFT is not impacted by this issue. 

Posted By: JaxMax
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 7:55am
I do think this is going to be a recurring issue and I am glad she raised it here.
My wife doesn't think much of preparing beyond a week or two for hurricanes, and she is very turf conscious of storing items in the house, in the garage, the attic, the storage room, etc.The problem was not the money, it was lack of communication.
Plus she had some very good ideas, and she is right, I would buy another truckload every time I pass a  Sams and store it in semi truck trailers . We compromised at 1 year of food.
An old saying, "As God made them, so he matched them" Work as a team.

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.Proverbs 13:20, The Bible

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 9:21am
I dont have any money problems.  the issue is do not panic, overspend and overdraw the account for no reason.  I am realtor, I drive and BMW, I do not  owe on credit cards, I rent property and my mortgages are covered.  The issue is DO NOT PANIC AND GO CRAZY BUYING GUNS AND OVERSPENDING

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 9:23am
yes, thank you.

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 9:28am
we have bough plenty and will be storing more the thing is slowly not go overspending where you dont have money for gas and what we spend on every day.  you just dont use all the cash and savings to go buy guns and food you dont need now.  I understand the fact we need to prepare not Panic and overspend.  I am not here to get advise on how I comunicae with my husband I am experience enough in handeling money.   The issue is do not panic and over spend.

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 9:29am
thank you for staying with the subject.  I am not here go fix issues with my husband.  I am here to say do not panic and buy by  impulse or panic.

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 9:34am
Once again I am not here to raise money or discuss communicaton with my husabnd.  The issue is do not panic and overspend it causes trouble.  I have food, gas, money to go out, and shop some more,

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 9:35am

thank you

Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 9:37am
yes, I agree.  Thanks

Posted By: Ironstone
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 9:37am
LOL, no one here is panicing.  But i understand your concern.  Hope your hubby gets over his panic.


Posted By: sunshinekey1
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 9:44am
you may not be panicking but my husband is.  i'm doing this so that when a new person finds out what could be coming "bird flu"  this doesnt happen to them

Posted By: outsidethecamp
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 10:55am
From the words of Dr. Michael Osterholm...

"The clock is ticking, we just don't know what time it is."

Panic?  NO!
Prep?   YES!  (& don't stop until you're as self-sufficient as possible.)
Pray?  ALWAYS!

God help us all...

Posted By: oknut
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 12:06pm
Sunshine - Please do not feel that you need to protect us. We thought you needed support or assistance.

Most of us are managing our own situations just fine and prepping within our ability to do so.

If you are only here to discourage people who come to this forum from prepping, you are here for the wrong reasons.

I hope your personal situation with your husband works out well, if there is a situation.

Best of luck to you.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 2:00pm
Again we are told not to panic . we have been there too many times. we are not panicky nuts who need your wisdom.
If you had bothered to read past posts on the subject of panicking and prepping you would of read that we lead healthy family oriented lives. We go to church and attend family gatherings school pta meetings and work full time. we are all aware of the need to balance prepping and enjoying life now.

We have also had posts about panicking and preping several times and we have explained ourselves adequately in the past


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 4:31pm
Everyone should prepare as they are able to financially, physically and emotionally. If this means you can buy a couple of extra items a week, then that is what you should do. I believe that any effort to prepare will be rewarded in the long haul. You should only purchase items that you  use (dont buy 100 lbs of wheat if you don't have a mill and don't know how to bake!) in your regular diet. A seriously stressful time is NOT the time to learn these things. No one is going to completely change their diet when TSHTF. So, if you use hamburger helper, buy a couple of extra boxes per week and put up along with a couple of cans of veggies. Good recipes all over for easy dehydrating (hamburger rocks) of hamburger in your oven. do a pound or two a week and store. Save your two liter soda bottles, wash, dry and store (cheap storage for water later) .It doesn't have to be every item you think you will need, bought by tomorrow, the point is it is everyones responsibility to have begun to be prepared at the point when it becomes necessary TO BE prepared. I also recomend that you use  and replace (rotate) whatever you choose to store to be in the habit of doing it already. I think that we will all be able to do without more that we think we will at that point in time, so any preparations are better than none. Gourmet food is NOT going to be available, but plain fill your belly foods will if we are dilligent in our efforts. I began stockepiling about six months ago, do I think I have enough if tomorrow I wake up and it's here? No, but I have started, and God willing I'll figure it out from there.

Posted By: calendula
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 4:44pm
IMO this forum is to help educate people, provide info, and perhaps assist them with making their own personal choices/decisions. It is a very personal choice to not spend, over$$$$ spend, prep or not prep.  I respectfully disagree with the premise(Sunshine) that we are disseminating panic amongst forum members and guests.  Panic is an emotional response that can be controlled by the individual if he/she chooses to.

I am not here to reason, I am here to create"

Posted By: Thordawggy
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 8:20pm
No one should buy supplies beyond their means of course.  We all know that and can get a thing or two in the place a of little entertainment or eating out once in a while.   Even a person of very limited means can get a can of soup or such once in awhile to tuck away.
But to discourage anyone from getting any supplies for any kind of emergency is putting them in danger.  And they are doing it for your protection.
However, I am starting to think that you are a troll and don't know anyone on this board, including your "husband".  Just a new troll technique. 
Well done!  Now go somewhere else and get your jollies.  All you have accomplised is to search our heads and hearts to realize that we are doing the right thing.  Thank you.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 15 2006 at 9:10am
You said "My husband has spent over $1,000 in food, gun, and other...... 
"This is causing a financial problem
You said : we are overdrawn until next week.
We need gas money to go to work.
You said: Using credit cards because of his overspending in food is trouble for us.
 "is causing arguing and fighting about over spending.
When you got support that was very understanding you said. "Thank you, that is what I want to hear.
Now you say: I dont have any money problems.  Im a realator and drive a BMW...   I am not here to get advise on how I comunicae with my husband I am experience enough in handeling money.  
HOW DARE YOU>>>Somebody needs a time out and it's not ussss.
We all have our Up's and Down's and prehaps you down was April 13th...
When the forum went your way.  It's Thank you very much. 
When the forum view didnt go your way...We must of missed your Point...
NOT  "I don't think we missed your point....We all know not to panic...
Please be thankful for the support your received...Don't discourage others for seeking it...
If you really believe your husband received information that lead him to panic READ...I read back as far as January and I got a lot of great information and not once did I read anything that lead me to panic...
It was just the opposite...I now had a direction to go in...I was able to print out the information so I could keep it in a binder.  I was calm because now I knew information that I hadnt thought of.  I received a lot of money saving Idea's which is important to those of us that really do live pay check to pay check and money is very tight.....
Be kind to each other and to us...
Happy Easter all...

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 15 2006 at 9:58am
I was panicked BEFORE I found this site!! Now I'm not because of all the information, tips and incredible support that is here for all to share. I am learning skills that I grew up with as a child, but was too stubborn/lazy to learn. I now have about four months of food and other supplies, so I can breathe easier. Most importantly, I've learned what it actually means - to prepare. It's not just buying a bunch of stuff, but planning menus, calorie count, how to cook in case there is no power and so much more. I can't ever thank all of you enough!!
Happy Easter!
God Bless you all

Posted By: Jefiner
Date Posted: April 15 2006 at 10:00am
sunshinekey, it looks like you want it both ways.  And good for you, you drive a BMW.  Just think about the number of shotguns your husband could buy if you went to a car with lower payments.  Seriously, we are all grown ups here, and frankly, I am uncomfortable with you coming in and telling me how to post and share my ideas, and what the thought content might be.  If you don't like what you see, then don't come here.  If you don't like what your husband is reading here, then disable his internet access.  Sounds to me like you are paying for it anyways.
'nuff said.


Either you had no purpose

Or the purpose is beyond the end you figured

And is altered in fulfilment.    T. S. Eliot   

Posted By: Thordawggy
Date Posted: April 15 2006 at 12:13pm
I don't really think she/he knows anyone here.  Just a troll making fun of us.

Posted By: Jefiner
Date Posted: April 15 2006 at 1:52pm
Troll alert! NukeNukeNukeNukeNuke


Either you had no purpose

Or the purpose is beyond the end you figured

And is altered in fulfilment.    T. S. Eliot   

Posted By: 2ifbyC
Date Posted: April 15 2006 at 2:53pm
Probably just a case of 'soccor mom bounce'. Ying Yang

Survival does have an 'I'!

Dodging 'canes on Florida's central Gulf Coast

Posted By: Jefiner
Date Posted: April 15 2006 at 9:58pm
:::biting tongue really hard . . . this is difficult enough w/o trolls:::Angry


Either you had no purpose

Or the purpose is beyond the end you figured

And is altered in fulfilment.    T. S. Eliot   

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 15 2006 at 10:58pm
Originally posted by JaxMax JaxMax wrote:

 We compromised at 1 year of food. 
You might want to look at adding a few more months... -
April 15, 2006 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government would expand the Internet and possibly permit foreign countries to print U.S. currency during a flu pandemic, under a national response plan that could be approved within days by President George W. Bush, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.

An article on the newspaper's Web site said the document is the first to spell out how the government would detect and respond to a flu outbreak and continue to function through what could be an 18-month crisis capable of killing up to 1.9 million Americans.

The 240-page response plan identifies more than 300 specific tasks for federal agencies, including determining which frontline workers should be vaccinated first and expanding the Internet to accommodate a likely flood of people working from their home computers.

The newspaper said the Treasury Department is poised to sign agreements with other nations to produce currency if U.S. mints cannot operate.

The Pentagon, anticipating difficulties acquiring supplies from the Far East, is considering stockpiling millions of latex gloves.

The article, which was also to appear in the Post's Sunday editions, said the Department of Veterans Affairs has developed a drive-through medical exam to quickly assess patients who suspect they have been infected by the virus.

Bush is expected to approve the plan within a week, the article said.

The White House is eager to show it can manage the medical, security and economic fallout from a major outbreak following its widely criticized to Hurricane Katrina, the Post said. Concern about a possible pandemic has grown with the emergence of the H5N1 avian flu, the most dangerous strain in decades.

Bush is expected to adopt post-Katrina recommendations that a new interagency task force coordinate the federal response and a high-level Disaster Response Group resolve disputes among agencies or states, the newspaper said. Neither entity has been created.

When the response plan is issued, the Post said U.S. officials intend to announce several vaccine manufacturing contracts to jump-start an industry that has declined in recent decades.

To keep the 1.8 million federal workers healthy and productive through a pandemic, the Bush administration would tap into its secure stash of medications, cancel large gatherings, encourage schools to close and shift air traffic controllers to the busier hubs.

The newspaper said retired federal employees would be summoned back to work, and National Guard troops could be dispatched to cities facing possible insurrection.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 12:05pm

Oh, yeah, I'm not done by any means, but am having very serious storage problems!

Hope everyone has a great Easter!

Posted By: Jefiner
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 12:15pm
Latex gloves break down over time, especially with exposure to heat; and then there is the issue of latex allergies to contend with.  Hope they are looking into nitrile and pvc gloves.


Either you had no purpose

Or the purpose is beyond the end you figured

And is altered in fulfilment.    T. S. Eliot   

Posted By: outsidethecamp
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 7:55pm
Thanks for the article Annie...Smile

Oh $hit is all I can say to it.Dead

Gotta keep prepping!Confused

God help us all...

Posted By: Fastcard
Date Posted: April 23 2006 at 12:41am

Men and women  do have different languages. Sunshine for one, at least he is trying to take care of you, when you maybe do not know how to take care of yourself.

This forum is on Bird Flu, bird flu is not a hurricane, it is not a Tornado, it is not a riot, or an earthquake. The duration of BF is unknown it may be years. it certainly will last many months. If you are so confident that you have adequate levels of preparations for weeks or months, why not just go over to the circuit breaker box of your home and flip the main breaker and live off your husbands preps, after  just twenty four hours you might be ready to sell an income property or maybe even go into debt to get ready.

BF is at least as devastating as Katrina but on a world level. All of us here have gaps in our imagination of what something of this magnitude would be like. For starters I would read the Stand by Steven King, I would follow that with Lucifers Hammer, by Niven and Pournelle......... and then get back to me if you have any questions. this is what we are talking about here, in this forum a society changing event. That effects every value, every assumption you may have about how life works and what is valuable. Of course this might be a trivial mater.
Your husband only owns a shotgun? He better whip out the plastic because  he is woefully underprepared. Of course this is JMHO..


A Bible verse that is just perfect...... for the situation.

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